Workers' Compensation: Franklin, Cooper & Marcus PLLC, Lawyers in Tennessee
Tennessee's workers' compensation laws have undergone substantial changes in recent years that require employees and employers to exhaust remedies through the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDOL) before proceeding to court. The lawyers of Franklin, Cooper & Marcus, PLLC have extensive experience with all types of work-related injuries and deaths throughout Southeast Tennessee. We emphasize the importance of addressing claims as early as possible and communicating with our clients to answer their questions and to keep them informed as to the status of their claim. Contact our offices to set up a free initial consultation.
When you have been injured on the job, or if you have employees who are injured on the job, you want experienced workers' compensation lawyers with a comprehensive knowledge of the law and regulations established by the TDOL to help navigate the process and identify potential problems and issues before they arise. We handle all types of work-related injuries, including neck, back and other spinal injures, shoulder and rotator cuff injuries, hearing loss injuries, carpal tunnel injuries and psychological injuries.
The Process
Workers' compensation laws can be complex, and successfully making your way through the process can be difficult and frustrating. Because we have represented employees, employers and insurers, we know how to prosecute and to defend workers' compensation claims and how to identify strengths and weaknesses in a claim. We are also involved in claims against third parties in subrogation claims that can arise from work-related injuries.
We have been involved in hundreds of claims through the administrative process of the TDOL and through the court system. Our attorneys have successfully argued workers' comp appeals in the Tennessee Supreme Court and in the Tennessee Supreme Court Special Workers' Compensation Panel. In addition to litigation and to advocating on behalf of our clients in workers' compensation mediations, two of our attorneys are Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31 Listed General Civil Mediators and serve as "neutrals" to help resolve workers' compensation claims.
Our offices are open from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.